In School/College INSET | Page 7 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Innovative & Exciting Activities in English at Key Stage 4

This highly practical course supports delegates in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the KS4 curriculum and offers suggestions on how to make improvements.

It focuses on how to engage and motivate students in reading and analysing a range of texts and shares a number of ideas to help students improve their writing and creativity through experimentation. The course focuses on how exam preparation can be made more relevant and exciting, and how time spent on coursework can be reduced.

Innovative and Exciting Activities in English at KS3

This highly-practical course is full of resources and ideas that really can make a difference to students' achievements in English. It is brimming with suggestions and a range of activities which can make poetry exciting, Shakespeare relevant, texts accessible and writing fun.

All the techniques suggested have been tried and tested in a variety of classrooms and have successfully motivated many students to achieve their true potential.

Key Stage 3 Whatever Next? (Preparing for SATs)

Throughout the day there will be opportunities to share and evaluate good practice, present and discuss resources and generate creative approaches. There will also be opportunities to reflect upon the 2003 Key Stage 3 paper.

Literacy Across the Curriculum: Maintaining the Momentum Successfully

With the arrival of Functional Skills in 2008, literacy across the curriculum remains a key focus on the government's agenda. Clearly, Literacy Coordinators must extend the development of crosscurricular literacy and maintain the momentum in the drive to raise literacy standards in their schools Clear and consistent literacy monitoring strategies are vital if self-evaluation is to be effective. Student and staff focus groups are particularly beneficial in the process of evaluating impact and in the development of targeted action plans with achievable goals.

Literacy in your Classroom: Highly Effective Strategies for All Subject Teachers


With literacy as a key focus of the Ofsted new inspection framework from January 2012, teachers of all subject areas need to ensure that all groups of students are achieving as well as each other in literacy in all classes. Literacy is so closely linked to achievement across all subject areas and it is clearly now the responsibility of all teachers.

Making it Work: How to Teach GCSE English/English Literature for Success

The course is designed to assist teachers in raising achievements in GCSE grades in the two subjects, paying particular attention to C/D and A/A* boundaries, while fostering lively and interesting classroom practice. This will be achieved through a mixture of workshop activities, scrutiny of examination scripts and discussion of methodology, as well as direct advice.

Making the Most of GCSE English Coursework


The course will look in detail at each of the four prescribed sections for GCSE Coursework. Guidance will be provided on how you can best ensure that the projects your pupils embark upon give them the best chance of success. The day will also cover ways of structuring the two year course, look at the overlap between Language and Literature coursework - and examine in detail the role of Speaking and Listening.

Managing an English Department


A lot of research has been carried out into what makes an effective department; this course aims to use some of this research to identify the features of effective leadership and management of an English Department to enable colleagues to identify strengths and areas for development within their own departments. The course will offer guidance on planning and evaluating courses, implementing and managing procedures, developing learning and teaching as well as considering how to use statistical information on achievement effectively to track, monitor and target underachievement.

Meeting the Challenge of Teaching English to Students with SEN


This course will include work on the full range of special educational needs encountered in a secondary school (though it is not intended to replace specialist training in specific areas such as Down's Syndrome and Autism). It will tackle the central issue of providing access to a broad and balanced curriculum for English, while making an impact on the learning difficulties, both with written and spoken language, that impede students' progress and enjoyment.

Meeting the needs of all of your EAL Learners


The proportion of pupils in UK schools who use English as an Additional Language has doubled in a decade. Many schools affected have had to find out how to best meet the needs of these students. It is essential that schools offer a coherent approach to EAL provision by meeting the needs of both New Arrivals and More Advanced EAL Learners.

More than Marginalia: Teaching poetry 11-18

Teaching poetry, especially for GCSE or other exams, often involves a lot of writing. Unfortunately most of this writing is down the edges of the poems, marking metaphors and annotating alliteration. This course will show teachers how to help their students go beyond this: to move from looking at a poem to working with it; to engage in writing, speaking and listening which is creative, enjoyable and leads to a fuller understanding of the poetry.

New Techniques and Ideas for the New AQA English

The aim of the course is to examine the course requirements from the point of view of coursework and exams, with a view to planning for success over a two year course. The day will address the necessary changes to teaching and learning styles the new specificiations demand. It will be of particular interest to NQTs and non-specialists.

Venue TBC

Practical Approaches to Teaching Drama Texts in A level English Literature

As a result of attending this course delegates will learn practical strategies to engage students successfully in A-Level English: drama texts, including Shakespeare in particular, work best when approached as drama. We will also show how imaginative and active approaches to set works can catch students' imagination and help them find ways into difficult texts.

The strategies used on the course will be applicable to a wide range of texts and there will be an opportunity to plan and 'road-test' new ideas.

Practical Ideas for Non- Specialist English Teachers

If you have found yourself teaching English but it is not your specialist subject, you may be looking for practical ideas to help you get the best out of your pupils. This course is interactive and thoroughly practical and, at the end of it, you will leave armed with strategies and resources which you can use straight away in the classroom.

Practical Strategies for NQTs, and those in their first three years, in the English Classroom


Once you have finished your initial teacher training and find yourself in a school, you hit the ground running fast! This course aims to build on your knowledge and show you how to make rapid and significant further improvement. During the day, you will have the opportunity to discuss behaviour management strategies that will work for you and discover the various ways of handling more demanding pupils.

Preparing candidates for English and English Literature AQA A

Many teachers have expressed concern about the weight of reading involved in the "Different Cultures poetry" and "English Literature poetry" specifications - particularly the difficulty of dealing with these successfully in the classroom. This course will offer practical advice and strategies for achieving examination success in a manageable way.

Preparing Your English Department for Inspection

Delegates who may be unfamiliar with the current OfSTED framework will certainly feel by the end of the course that they are well aware of what is expected of the English Department during an Inspection visit. They will be fully informed of all key areas to be inspected: achievement and standards, quality of teaching and learning, quality of curriculum in English and leadership/management of English.

Richard III at Key Stage 3: Making it Accessible

By providing delegates with practical workable ideas and materials to use in the classroom, this course will focus on the teaching of Richard III as a KS3 text. The tutor will explore ways of making the text and the task transparent and meaningful to pupils - particularly tackling the issue of developing the use of thinking skills to encourage analytical writing. During the day delegates will have time to reflect on and share ideas with each other.

Self-Evaluation for Heads of English

This course aims to improve attainment by enhancing pupils' learning and increasing the effectiveness of teaching. The training will be particularly useful with regard to the new OFSTED framework. The day will be useful for heads of English, assistant heads and those aspiring to these posts.

So you want to be a successful Assistant/Deputy Head Teacher ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

One of the most challenging promotions in school is the leap from middle to senior management. From having a specific role within the middle management of the school structure, you suddenly find yourself needing a global overview of the school where you are responsible for many in the vision, leadership and management of learning and teaching.  It is an exciting prospect to both tackle and enjoy. But be careful!

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?


Lighthouse conferences offer students a rich, memorable, learning experience.

This year, the second year of the New Specifications, there will be new targets but our conferences will the same quality of content as before. The event has been especially designed by a team of experts - practitioners, senior examiners - to provide students with top guidance and advice, challenge them to re-think their understanding, raise their confidence and engage them in a range of varied, stimulating activities throughout the day.



Lighthouse conferences offer students a rich, memorable, learning experience.

This year, with the beginning of the New Specification, there will be new targets but our conferences will contain the same quality of content as before. The event has been especially designed by a team of expert practitioners, senior examiners - to provide students with top guidance and advice, challenge them to re-think their understanding, raise students' confidence and engage them in a range of varied, stimulating activities throughout the day.

Successfully Developing and Promoting Reading and Writing Skills Throughout the Curriculum

Due to the literacy demands of the new Ofsted framework, teachers in all subject areas need to demonstrate the development of students' skills in the four areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students' attainment and their progress in reading and writing are key indicators of literacy standards in schools and it is closely linked to achievement across all subject areas.

Successfully Meeting the Needs of Beginner EAL Learners in the Secondary Classroom Practical Strategies for Teaching and Learning


at different ages and it is essential that schools have in place procedures and approaches to meet the needs of these EAL learners. In the classroom, teachers are expected to ensure that their planning makes provision for those new to learning English, a key focus for inspectors when judging learning and progress in a lesson.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880