In School/College INSET | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Decision Making in Secondary School Libraries

Learning Resource Centre
This course will outline how to apply rational decision making to the school library. There will be a discussion between the differences of statistical and more qualitative evidence. As part of the rational approach to decision making, the collection and use of appropriate evidence based on agreed goals and standards and collaboration will be a key factor.

By the end of the day delegates will be able to plan a way forward with rational decision making in the secondary school library situation.

Effective Teaching Skills for Library Staff

Learning Resource Centre
Library staff are now expected to teach a variety of topics from induction to research skills. Although it is impossible to learn how to teach in one day, this course will give library staff the basic skills needed to plan an effective, targeted lesson.

The training will help you explore practical differentiation, help you to produce interesting and relevant activities and will also help you to successfully navigate assessment and evaluation requirements.

How to Manage Challenging & Obstructive Behaviour: LRC Staff

Learning Resource Centre
Library and other support staff in school libraries now have to deal with inappropriate behaviour from a variety of people including pupils, visitors, parents and even colleagues.

This is an interactive course in which delegates will learn and practise a variety of techniques, whilst understanding some of the psychology that explains why people act as they do.

Information Literacy: A Whole-School Approach

Learning Resource Centre
The course will look in detail at how pupils can be best coached to ask questions, find resources, choose appropriate information then present it appropriately to the required audience. Attendees will see how this structured method is flexible enough to apply to all areas of the curriculum - and all abilities of pupil - and will form the basis of a crucial life skill. The chosen method will be unique to your school, yet based on solid and practical principles.

Information Skills to Improve Your Learning Resource Centre

Learning Resource Centre
This course will show you how to achieve a balance between the use of ICT and traditional learning strategies and resources. The day will help you build on the qualities of your LRC and help make it work for you. The training will also show you how to develop your own cross-curricular Information Skills Programme - and interpret the Information Skills strand of the National Curriculum.

Library Resource Centre Staff: Evaluating and Recording Informal Learning

Learning Resource Centre
Recognising and recording progression and achievement through informal or non-accredited learning activities contribute to a student's overall personal development. The role that the LRC plays in this development can be overlooked and the value-added nature of the library and learning resource centre may be hard to quantify. This course will focus on a framework 'Inspiring Learning for All' which provides a practical and simple framework to enable LRC staff to evaluate their impact on learning and to demonstrate their contribution to the curriculum.

LRC Staff: Working with Special Educational Needs Students

Learning Resource Centre
Students with Special Educational Needs, whether diagnosed or not, are thought to form over 30% of the school population. Many staff in LRCs have been given little training on the identification of students' individual needs - or strategies for working with such students - even though almost all students use the LRC. Incidents may happen because staff do not recognise individual needs or the best ways of working with the students. Moreover, recent legislation has made it essential that all school and college staff are aware of their responsibilities to these students.

Managing an Outstanding LRC on a limited budget

Learning Resource Centre
The course is relevant to anyone seeking to develop or rejuvenate an LRC on a limited budget. Delegates will be equipped to use OfSted criteria and a simple framwork for self-evaluation to create an outstanding LRC with the capacity for continuous improvement, whilst paying close attention to the management for costs and demonstration of value.

Managing the Environment and Behaviour for Improved Learning Outcomes in the LRC

Learning Resource Centre
The course will focus on strategies to effectively manage pupil behaviour using a holistic approach to improve learning outcomes. It will set out clear design principles to improve the environment within the LRC in order to minimise opportunities for disruptive behvaiour at minimum cost.

Managing the Self-evaluation Process in the Secondary School Library Resource Centre

Learning Resource Centre
This course will help you gauge the extent to which the Library Resource Centre contributes to and impacts upon, teaching and learning within the school. Through practical sessions, group work and dissemination of information we will explore ways of using the Self-Evaluation Framework to support the development of the Library Resource Centre.

Simple and Effective Strategies to Market your School LRC

Learning Resource Centre
Simple and proven strategies which will equip you to develop an LRC which accurately reflects the needs of your school, raising levels of use and increasing funding to meet curriculum objectives identified by LRC staff in conjunction with teachers and senior leaders. Delegates will be able to promote the key roles of the LRC in relation to literacy and the curriculum and demonstrate how the LRC contributes to raised levels of student attainment.

Steps to Success in Managing an Outstanding LRC

Learning Resource Centre
The course is aimed at non-specialist and recently appointed staff, but is relevant to anyone seeking to develop or rejuvenate an LRC. Delegates will be equipped to use the OfSTED criteria and a simple framework for self-evaluation to create an outstanding LRC with the capacity for continuous improvement.

Teaching and Learning the Essential Role of the Library Resource Centre

Learning Resource Centre
A comprehensive course looking at a structured approach to curriculum involvement for the LRC, starting from basic induction to the development of a cross curricular programme covering the majority of subject departments. Attention will be focussed on systematically developing the skills of students to increase attainment at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Structures will be provided to equip delegates to lead INSET activities on information literacy using print and ICT based sources of information when they return to school.

The LRC: Supporting Learning at Post-16

Learning Resource Centre
Delegates will be equipped to analyse current provision in order to identify and build on current strengths and to recognise areas of weakness and how these can be improved. They will learn how to improve the quality of support they offer to students, teachers and parents, leading to better overall achievement for post sixteen students.

The New School or College Librarian: Getting off to a Flying Start

Learning Resource Centre
This course will outline effective measures to provide a smooth induction into work for the new school or college librarian, starting before appointment and leading to an ongoing plan of work for the future. By the end of the session participants will be able to produce a model of induction basics suitable to their establishment.

Transformational research skills using the internet and printed sources of information

Learning Resource Centre
Delegates will be equipped to clearly communicate to students how to effectively search the internet using simple and non-technical approaches to the development of advanced searching strategies, and website evaluation. The course will address OFSTED concerns about research skills teaching by providing structures for progression and differentiation in the development of information literacy skills.
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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880