In School/College INSET | Page 34 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Self-assessment in Sport (SAR) & Self-evaluation (SEF) for PE and Leisure Departments. Key principles to their structure, completion and use

Delegates will know what is expected and valued in self-evaluation / assessment reports. They will be able to plan and implement their own department’s self-assessment, identify their department’s strengths and weaknesses and explore ways in which evidence can be gathered to support their judgements. Evidence such as success rates data, observing teaching and learning and outcomes from enrichment activities will be understood by delegates. Attendees will be more effective in applying such evidence - and in preparing an effective action plan.

Strategies & Approaches for Implementing the Secondary Curriculum Review for Key Stage 3 Physical Education

Delegates attending this course will obtain a clear understanding of how the revised National Curriculum may be implemented successfully into your school's PE curriculum.

The day will embrace all the aspects and approaches identified within the programme of study. It will also consider the 'key processes', 'key concepts' - together with the 'range and content' of the curriculum and how they may be applied into your schools' timetable.


Lighthouse Professional Development conferences offer students a rich, memorable, learning experience.

This is now the second year for examinations for the 'new' specifications and lessons have been learned from the first year of examination and the first round of examination papers.

Teaching an Outstanding PE Lesson

Delegates will be able to identify a wide variety of effective strategies to ensure the quality of their teaching will provide pupils with the most effective learning environment. You will be able to consider these teaching strategies in relation to 'Outstanding' OfSTED criteria.

Teaching GCSE PE for the First Time

This course will outline the requirements for the GCSE in PE for Edexcel, OCR and AQA and cover the generic content which links all three exam boards as well as making specific reference to individual requirements. In addition to covering the content for the theory and controlled assessment components there will also be guidance regarding the most effective delivery methods which can be used.

The Biomechanical Aspects of AS and A2 Physical Education and Sports Studies

Biomechanics is a scientific and logical component of the A-level specification. It has been proved that high marks in examination questions are accessible to ALL candidates. Sadly, however, it remains one of the least popular modules to be taught. This course is guaranteed to "tempt" teachers into considering its delivery in their centres. The approach will be friendly and informal, so prior knowledge of this subject area is certainly not essential, although the course will also help teachers who are currently teaching this topic area.

The Effective School Sports Co-ordinator

Delegates will leave this course with a detailed knowledge of the role of the SSCO within the School Sport Partnership and have a full understanding of the ten strands of the PESSYP [PE School Sport and Young People] programme. They will feel equipped to manage the day to day organisation of activities, and delegates will also receive comprehensive information about effective time management and record keeping.

The Essential Guide to Success as an NQT in PE

This course seeks to build upon and enhance the core competencies required of the modern PE teacher. It aims to focus on teaching and learning principals - dealing with fundamentals such as risk management, assessment and self-assessment. The essential practices such as parental communication, kit strategies and behaviour management will also be discussed.

We will take a hands-on approach from the start and seek to stretch all teachers to better cope with the challenges they will encounter during their first year and provide a focus for their future direction.

The Exercise Physiology Module (A2 PE / Sports Science)

This course aims to cover the subject content common to all specifications and is therefore ideal for any teacher delivering this aspect of study. The training will: review current resources, offer a variety of teaching methods to help student learning and understanding, suggest ways to link theory to practice, and offer advice on how to prepare students for the A2 exam.

Using Computers effectively in the PE Department (hands on)

The aims of this course are to demonstrate how different types of software can be used effectively to improve both administration and teaching in the physical education department. This is a practical day with considerable time spent using different types of Microsoft software. The course is designed for teachers with limited experience of using computers in physical education. However, it is expected that course members will have some experience of file management and the use of Microsoft applications such as Word and Excel.

Using Data for Assessment, Evaluation & Raising Achievement in PE at KS 3 & 4

Delegates who attend this course will be able to understand the place of data in the PE department, be able to interpret it and use it to effectively assess pupils. They will also be able to use the data collected in helping to plan for the future of the Physical Education department.

What to Offer my Year 12 and 13 Pupils? Level 3 Sport or Leisure? A Levels or Nationals?

Teachers often wonder what other courses are about and whether they would be more beneficial to their own students. The aim of this course is to review the advantages and disadvantages of introducing A Levels or Nationals for Sport and Leisure minded students - and to help teachers and lecturers decide which course would be better for them.
By the end of the course, all delegates should have:
• a better knowledge of A Level Leisure and National in Sport
• developed an understanding of the differences of the different courses

How to Engage Young People in Politics

This course will examine how to promote young people’s involvement in society, encouraging peer influence & young leadership for social change. The course will give an overview of policy responses as well as exploring the relationship of the individual to others and to the state.

Boosting Maths and Literacy Skills (including GCSE retakes) 16-19


The government requires that 95% of 16-19 year-olds who do not have grade C in English and Maths continue to study these subjects. Effective teaching for these students, many of whom have special educational needs, has therefore become a matter of urgency. This course will provide practical guidance on enabling students to improve their performance in these key subjects.

Developing the Independent Learner at Post 16

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
We ascribe a level of maturity and an ability to study
independently on students in the post-16 phase which they find
difficulty in attaining. For many students time management is
difficult and they lack the necessary skills to r esearch and plan
their work.

Disability Awareness for Colleges

The programme will give delegates the knowledge and practical skills to enable them to work more confidently with students with a range of different disabilities, within mainstream settings. You will find out about the history of disability in the UK, how to identify the main types of disability, what are our own roles and responsibilities in this work, and the essentials of the law; you'll also know where to go for more help and advice, if you need it.

Employer Engagement: Meeting the Demand for Impact

At the end of this course you will have a greater understanding of how to meet employers demand for training provision which has a positive impact on their bottom line. Solutions to challenges and barriers within employer engagement (both internal and external) will be explored and in line with meeting Training Quality Standard (TQS) indicators.

Encouraging and Supporting Oxbridge and other Competitive University Applications


This course will cover the practicalities of Oxbridge and other Competitive University Applications: Medicine, Law, Veterinary Science and Dentistry. Advice will be given about all stages of the preparation process: enrichment activities, the application, writing effective personal statements, writing references which meet the expectations of universities, supporting and preparing students for interview. Delegates will leave with a set of ready to use PowerPoint presentations which covers the whole of the process and can be used with students and teachers.

Mental Health Awareness for Teachers and Support Staff working with 16-19 Students

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

This programme is aimed at staff at all levels working in FE and Sixth

Form settings: staff working in teaching, support or front of house roles.


It is an inter-active course, covering many of the key skills and

knowledge that teachers and support staff working with (or

approached by) students need to know.


This training day includes:

• An overview of mental health issues particularly prevalent within

the 16-19 age group

• How to offer practical support to students

Safeguarding Students in Colleges

This programme will give you everything you need to know about Safeguarding at a basic level - you will understand why Safeguarding is such an important issue in Colleges and Community Education.

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?

Working with Autistic Students in Colleges

At the end of the course, you will have an idea of how people on the Autistic Spectrum perceive the world, and how this provides us with challenges in the way we work with them - how does Autism really affect our students' lives?

‘Climbing the Alps with Alis the Panda’ : Understanding Post 16 Judgements, Performance Measures and Data

The reintroduction of a separate grade for the effectiveness of Post 16 provision, the radical changes to the Post 16 OfSTED schedule and the complete restructuring of the Post 16 accountability measures represent a whole new approach to how Post 16 performance is judged. The impact of Post 16 performance on the overall effectiveness of a school is stronger than ever.

A Primary Curricular Theme - Scientific and Technological Understanding: Implementing Rose for Primary Science and DT

Primary & Early Years
This course will show how the strengths of primary science and DT can be utilised to make a curricular theme which is challenging, enjoyable and inclusive. The course will include workshop activities illustrating how scientific investigation and designing can be utilised in both subjects in creative ways. The importance and place of pupils' skill development across the themes will form a central focus and basis for progression in learning.

Art and Design as a Creative Force in the Primary School Curriculum

Primary & Early Years
The recent Rose primary review proposals have a specific focus on understanding the Arts and design as one of the areas of learning. Meaningful learning should be the main aim of the primary curriculum - and Art and Design provides a relevant and purposeful point of connection between different areas of learning, and the communication of those thoughts and ideas in visual form.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880