In School/College INSET | Page 22 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

How to Successfully Deliver and Maximise Achievement in the GCSE Leisure and Tourism course

Leisure and Tourism
Delegates will gain a thorough understanding of how the course can be successfully delivered and leave with a wealth of resources to help minimise preparation time. "Portfolio Builders" will be provided that provide staff and students with an insight into the demands of the marketing and customer service portfolios. Attendess will also be provided with exemplar portfolios and have the opportunity to assess them. Effective monitoring of student performance is essential and Excel files will be provided that will enable participants to track the progress of their students.

Preparing for the introduction of AS/A2 Travel & Tourism Studies

Leisure and Tourism
This course should enable delegates to feel confident to: understand the requirements of the new specifications; become aware of the new assessment principles; consider appropriate courses for their own institution; and consider strategies for the marketing of the new specifications.

Successful Strategies for Delivering GCSE Leisure and Tourism

Leisure and Tourism
The aim of this course is to enable delegates to develop teaching stategies for the successful delivery and implementation of the GCSE Leisure and Tourism course in a vocational context.
It will help you: develop techniques for all three units; ensure the delivery of the course in a vocational context; consider the assessment demands of the course; and also give you new ideas for working productively - in partnership - with leisure and tourism organisations.

A2 Module D2: Topics in Decision Mathematics

The course has been specifically designed to provide teachers with the personal competences, knowledge and skills to teach some of the key topics in the A2 Module of Decision Mathematics at A-level.

The workshop will also give teachers some practical guidance on teaching key topics in Decision Mathematics.

A2 Pure Mathematics - Core Modules C3 & C4: Developing Subject Knowledge, Promoting Understanding and Raising Achievement

Whether you are new to teaching these modules - or an experienced teacher looking for refreshing new approaches - this course is packed full of stimulating ideas and resources that will be of immediate use in the classroom.

The main aim is to demonstrate how an appropriate balance between up to date paper based resources and use of the best available ICT resources can create an 'activity based learning environment' that successfully engages all learning styles.

Adventures in Algebra

Pupils' and sometimes teachers', preconceptions of algebra often lead to its being regarded as the dullest branch of maths, with little hope of pleasurable approaches. This need not be so! This course is aimed at those teachers who would like to put a sparkle into their algebra lessons and make them more stimulating. Delegates on this course will work through a selection of classroom-tested and classroom-ready algebra activities that can be adapted across age and ability ranges.

AQA GCSE Statistics

Many schools are now entering pupils for GCSE Statistics alongside GCSE Mathematics. This course is based on the AQA GCSE Statistics course, but should also be useful to those teaching the Edexcel specification. The course will provide practical teaching advice and materials for use in the classroom, with a particular emphasis on the topics which are likely to be unfamiliar to teachers - such as the interpretation of statistical evidence in the statistical project.

AS Module D1: Teaching Decision Mathematics for the First Time


The workshop is suitable for all A level specifications and has been specifically designed to provide teachers with the personal competencies, knowledge and skills to teach some of the key topics in the first module of Decision Mathematics at A-level.

The workshop will also give teachers some practical guidance on teaching Decision Mathematics.

Aims of the course are to:

AS Module M1: Mechanics: Developing subject knowledge and promoting understanding


The workshop is designed to provide teachers with the personal competences, knowledge and skills to teach and examine M1 Mechanics at A-level. It will focus on developing subject knowledge in addition to providing some practical guidance and learning approaches to help students understand the subject.

Aims of the course are to:

AS Module M1: Teaching Mechanics for the First Time


The workshop is suitable for all A level specifications and is designed to provide teachers with the personal competences, knowledge and skills to teach and examine M1 Mechanics at A- level. It will focus on developing subject knowledge in addition to providing some practical guidance and learning approaches for teaching the subject.

Aims of the course are to:

AS Pure Mathematics - Core Modules C1 & C2: Developing Subject Knowledge, Promoting Understanding and Raising Achievement

Whether you are new to teaching these modules or an experienced teacher looking for refreshing new approaches - this course is packed full of stimulating ideas and resources that will be of immediate use in the classroom.

The main aim is to demonstrate how an appropriate balance between up to date paper based resources, and use of the best available ICT resources, can create an 'activity based learning environment' that successfully engages all learning styles.

Assessment & Diagnosis of Maths Difficulties at Key Stage 3&4

Delegates will explore and appraise commercial maths tests. They will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of criteria based and standardised tests and when their use is appropriate. The diagnosis of error patterns to look out for will be demonstrated. A test of thinking style in maths and its relevance to dyscalculia will be explained. A number of reasons why a learner may have maths learning difficulties and dyscalculia will be explained.
A test for maths anxiety and the implications of the standardised results for teaching maths will be discussed.

Assessment for Learning in Mathematics

There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that, in mathematics, most pupils want to improve but are not sure how to go about it, other than 'work harder' or 'do more revision'.

In this course delegates will be equipped with practical strategies for raising attainment through AfL. They will be able to lead sessions on AfL in their own department and liaise with other subjects about whole school AfL approaches. The sessions will cover the research base, self and peer-assessment, formative marking, the use of probing questions and how to plan for AfL in lessons.

Boosting Maths and Literacy Skills (including GCSE retakes) 16-19


The government requires that 95% of 16-19 year-olds who do not have grade C in English and Maths continue to study these subjects. Effective teaching for these students, many of whom have special educational needs, has therefore become a matter of urgency. This course will provide practical guidance on enabling students to improve their performance in these key subjects.

Bringing Mathematics to Life using 'Autograph' and 'Excel'

This course will focus on the practical aspects of using ICT at Key Stage 3 & GCSE for developing teaching and learning of maths, with a particular focus on the practical use of Autograph, Excel and Virtual Image. Alan will demonstrate how simple use of a blank spreadsheet can aid the understanding of basic numeracy and algebra - as well as how "Virtual Image" can be used as a powerful tool in the teaching of trigonometry.

Core Units in A Level Maths

Delegates will be introduced to web resources and dynamic software that can be used to help pupils to visualise topics in A2 Mathematics. Delegates will take away a large number of ideas for using the web for classroom interjections and for using Autograph effectively on the big screen.

Creating Winning Maths Classrooms: NQTs and Teachers in their 2nd and 3rd years

Delegates will explore what constitutes outstanding teaching and learning and how it can be achieved. Attendees will review a range of classroom activities that encourage active learning and drive progression. There will also be time devoted to sharing experience and expertise and guidance on networking at local and national level.

Opportunity to identify further personal professional development needs and prepare for responsibility within the mathematics department will also be given.

Developing Skills in reasoning from data across Key Stages 3 & 4 Maths using Excel

Excel is universally available in schools, and has many powerful statistical features that can be used surprisingly easily and with little previous experience of working with Excel.

One of the features of the new statistics coursework within the mathematics GCSE is that pupils are being expected to deal with complex data sets, where multiple variables are to be considered, and this is an area which

Dyslexia & Numeracy: Post-16

The course will give an insight into the impact of dyslexia on the acquisition of numeracy skills. Numeracy plays a significant role in most areas of post-16 curricula, including vocational studies and Skills for Life.
Theoretical background linked to practical suggestions to accommodate specific learning difficulties will enable FE and HE course tutors, Skills for Life tutors, support staff and specialist teachers to understand and address the needs of dyslexic students who find numeracy challenging.

Dyslexia and Maths at Key Stage 3

This course will give an insight into the impact of dyslexia on the acquisition of maths skills. Maths plays a significant role in most areas of the curriculum, in preparation for employment and in everyday skills for life.

Practical suggestions to help overcome specific learning difficulties will enable classroom teachers, SENCOs, SEN teachers and learning support assistants to understand and address the needs of the 60% of dyslexic students who find maths challenging.

Ensuring the Progression of Able Pupils in Mathematics: targeting grades A/A* at GCSE

A worrying proportion of able students do not achieve the grades they are capable of in mathematics. There are a number of reasons for this problem: lack of specialist teachers, low expectations and aspirations, behaviour difficulties, concentration on C/D borderline students, lack of progression from KS3 to GCSE to name but a few.

G&T Maths AS & A2: Ensuring the Progress of Able and Gifted Students


Delegates will explore strategies for ensuring that their most able students have opportunities to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills to achieve their potential. There will be opportunities to explore and share resources and activities, identify best practice in teaching and learning, ensure rapid progression and develop confidence in working with very able students. Information will be provided about the qualifications structure, educational and career pathways for very able students.

Aims of the course are to:

GCSE Maths for Non-Specialist Teachers

Increasingly mathematics is being taught by people who have not specialised in the subject and this course is designed to provide such teachers with an abundance of resources and ideas that will be of immediate use in the classroom.

GCSE Maths: Making Statistics Meaningful

The use of statistics is pervasive in the media and many occupations and the GCSE Statistics course aims to reflect this breadth and relevance. The course will provide practical teaching advice and materials for use in the classroom and will cover all the main topic areas of the specification, focusing on topics outside GCSE Mathematics.

GCSE Statistics: A Wealth of Teaching Approaches: The New Specifications

The use of statistics is pervasive in the media and in many occupations and the GCSE Statistics course aims to reflect this breadth and relevance. The course will provide practical teaching advice and materials for use in the classroom and will cover all the main topic areas of the specification, focusing on topics outside GCSE Mathematics.

This CPD day will cover both the Edexcel and AQA specifications being introduced for first teaching in September 2009 (first examination June 2011), including the new controlled assessment component.


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