In School/College INSET | Page 4 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?

Teaching Assistants and EAL: Meeting the Demands of your Role Effectively supporting students learning English as an Additional Language

Primary & Early Years

The Teaching Assistant (TA) plays an essential role in the drive to raise standards in schools. In addition to the support provided for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, the TA may also be required to support groups of students for whom English is an additional language (EAL) both in whole class and small group teaching and learning situations. Those supporting EAL students are at the forefront of removing barriers to learning and inclusion.

So you Want to be a Successful Head of Department ?

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools

The role, performance and vision of the departmental head are increasingly being recognised and acknowledged as being a key area determining the degree of success of the school. More is being demanded of such post holders both nationally and locally. They will need a vision of whole school needs and will be required to lead and manage the all-important process of learning and teaching. How do we achieve success in this vital area of school life and how can you be a dynamic, effective and successful Head of Department?

The Dyslexic in the Classroom

Special Needs & Schools
This one-day course is designed to give teachers an opportunity to
identify and address the problems that pupils with this specific learning
difficulty encounter throughout the curriculum.
Topics covered include practical techniques on how to improve the
reading, spelling, handwriting, listening skills, memory and revision
techniques, examination skills, organisation and the homework of your
dyslexic students.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Contact details for Lighthouse Courses

Tel: 0800 587 8880