In School/College INSET | Page 36 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Teaching Assistants and EAL: Meeting the Demands of your Role Effectively supporting students learning English as an Additional Language

Primary & Early Years

The Teaching Assistant (TA) plays an essential role in the drive to raise standards in schools. In addition to the support provided for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, the TA may also be required to support groups of students for whom English is an additional language (EAL) both in whole class and small group teaching and learning situations. Those supporting EAL students are at the forefront of removing barriers to learning and inclusion.

Teaching Dyslexic Pupils at Key Stages 1 and 2

Primary & Early Years
Delegates will gain a clear understanding of the nature of dyslexia and how to clearly distinguish it from other literacy difficulties. They will consider current assessment techniques for younger and older children. Attendees will learn teaching techniques that make an immediate and lasting impact on reading and spelling in English and in other subjects.

Understanding & Working with ASD in Primary Schools

Primary & Early Years
This one-day course enables participants to understand what challenges may arise when working with pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Primary Schools, and how they can be best approached. It explains how to support pupils with ASD and how to anticipate, avoid and manage what can be problematic, even challenging behaviours.

Using Drama Creatively at Key Stages 1 and 2

Primary & Early Years
Participants will reach a deeper understanding of the power of drama and its strength as a learning tool, and how it can be used to approach all areas of the curriculum. They will leave with a large number of inspiring ideas for immediate use in the classroom, and with knowledge of techniques which can be applied to any class project.

Active Learning in the PSHE Curriculum

This course is intended for those that have been given the responsibility of delivering a PSHE or form tutor programme. The day will be "experiential" and model good practice. To help demonstrate these powerful ideas, participants will be expected to work in groups - developing, practising and refining active learning techniques.

Assessment for Learning in PSHEE

Assessment in PSHEE has long been neglected and indeed many schools do not assess the subject at all. And yet assessment is important because it establishes clear expectations for standards and success, identifies areas of achievement and development and enables teachers to reflect upon their own teaching. In addition, the assessment of PSHEE provides evidence to strengthen its position in the curriculum and its contribution to the five outcomes of Every Child Matters.

Constructing a Framework for Assessment, Reporting & Recording in PSHE

Assessment in PSHEE has long been neglected and indeed many schools do not assess the subject at all. And yet assessment is important because it establishes clear expectations for standards and success, identifies areas of achievement and development and enables teachers to reflect upon their own teaching. In addition, the assessment of PSHEE provides evidence to strengthen its position in the curriculum and its contribution to the five outcomes of Every Child Matters.

Dealing with Drug Incidents and Drug Education in the 21st Century

This course is intended for senior managers and policy makers who need to ensure an up-to-date, pragmatic approach to drugs education, as well as how to deal with drug incidents when they occur at your school or college. You will leave the day with a detailed folder of information and a structured pro-forma whole school policy (on floppy disc).

Developing a School Drugs Policy: Drugs Education and Incidents

By the end of the course, participants will have examined the key elements needed to be included in a school drugs policy for both drug education and dealing with drug related incidents. They will have been given an opportunity to explore the current drug situation, recent trends - and especially the law relating to Cannabis. They will have the opportunity to look at a range of incidents and responses to substance misuse in schools, including alcohol use. Participants will also leave the course with an example policy and template for developing a bespoke policy for their school / college

Developing Cross-curricular Approaches to PSHE

The curriculum of the school should be balanced and broadly based to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society and also prepares such pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. PSHEE is a non-statutory area of the curriculum which makes a major contribution to the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters agenda and also to section 4 of the Self Evaluation Form for schools.

How to Teach an Outstanding PSHEE Lesson

The New Secondary Curriculum, being phased in from September 2008, places personal development and the acquisition of personal, learning and thinking skills at the heart of the curriculum and reflects the Every Child Matters outcomes.

Life and Employability Skills

The course will offer guidance on the life and employability skills required by young people today. Skills that can be used to help pupils obtain a job, a place at college or university - or just to enhance confidence in everyday life.

PHSE Teaching Financial Capability at Key Stages 3 & 4

By attending this course delegates will enhance their understanding of financial capability issues and leave feeling confident to equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to become questioning and informed consumers and learn to manage their money and finances effectively.

Practical Ideas for the Evidencing of Well Being in Secondary Schools

The Children's Plan provides for the development of strong school level indicators that 'taken together, will measure a school's contribution to pupil wellbeing' These indicators are part of OfSTED's new inspection framework.

This course aims to demonstrate how schools can use existing practices to better support well-being, and where in a school, evidence against the indicators can be found.

Practical ideas for the Evidencing of Well Being in Secondary Schools

There is a duty on all schools to promote the well being of their pupils and for well being to be achieved by all pupils through the provision of an enjoyable curriculum.

PSHE Education: NQTs Teaching Personal Well Being with Particular Reference to SRE and Drug Education

PSHE Education is most effective when pupils feel motivated and enjoy the activities and lessons provided. This can only happen when teachers feel confident and skilled in their abilities; delivering relevant and appropriate topic material and utilising a wide range of teaching methods.

PSHE Education: Personal Well Being

Personal well-being helps young people embrace change, feel positive about who they are and enjoy healthy, safe, responsible and fulfilled lives. Learning and undertaking activities in personal wellbeing contributes to the national outcomes of Every Child Matters for all young people to become:
* Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
* Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
* Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

SRE for students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities.

This course will examine the delicate issues that surround the effective teaching of Sex & Relationship Education to pupils with Special Educational Needs. The tutor will provide you with a wealth of real world, practical solutions to help you tackle this important topic successfully and sensitively. This training is intended as a broad introduction. However, by the end of the day participants should feel clear about government guidance and good practice in SRE, more confident about their own role in SRE and better informed about appropriate resources.

Successfully Integrating Financial Literacy into the Curriculum

This course is designed to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge to implement an effective and engaging financial literacy programme. The programme will highlight a wealth of practical ideas you can use to help you to successfully incorporate financial literacy within the curriculum. The tutor will investigate the best support materials available, including an in-depth study of the Special Schools Association Trust's Adding Up To A Lifetime resource.

Teaching and Learning about SRE and Drugs Education

If you have just been told you are expected to deliver PSHE education at KS 3/4 then this is the course for you.

As well as learning about government legislation, statutory obligations and guidance, this course will offer you experiential and practical opportunities (but you won't have to role play!!) to look at teaching and learning for personal well being - with a particular focus on Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) and Drugs Education.

The New Assessment Framework for PSHE

The course will examine the new criteria for assessment in PSHE, which has long been a neglected area, to establish new standards for success in the classroom in the new assessment framework for PSHE. The tutor will examine a practical toolkit with a learner friendly version and key advice for using the new assessment framework.

The New PSHE Curriculum: Teaching and Learning for Personal Well Being (with a specific focus on SRE and Drugs Education)

If you have just been told you are expected to deliver PSHE education then this is the course for you. As well as learning about government legislation, statutory obligations and guidance, this course will offer you experiential and practical opportunities (but you won't have to role play!) to look at teaching and learning for personal well being – with a particular focus on Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) and Drugs Education.

The New PSHE Education Curriculum: Drug Education for Today

'Schools need to provide Drug Education not just because the law requires them to do so, but because drugs are part of the lives of all young people. Many young people now get that experience directly - they and others are informed by the media, friends, family or community' - The Right Choice: Guidance on Selecting Drug Education Materials for Schools SCODA.

The Role of the PSHE Co-ordinator in Successfully Delivering the Secondary PSHE Curriculum

Amongst other things by the end of the course participants will have
* Considered the possibilities within the PSHE education curriculum
* Discussed realistic and relevant delivery of PSHE education
* Experienced a range of Active Learning approaches * Carried out a SWOT analysis of their school's PSHE Education provision

Aim of the course are to:
* To provide an opportunity to engage with PSHE education that is fit for the 21st Century

Using the CrimCity software package to enliven the Citizenship Curriculum

Delegates will be shown a highly innovative piece of software. CrimCity has been developed by a group of European universities to help teachers and others who work with young people to confront issues such as vandalism, theft and general street crime.
A virtual environment has been created based on sections of a city in the north of England. Users explore the streets, shops and blocks of flats and search for ways in which they can help to reduce crime.

The aims of the course are to:
• demonstrate (and distribute) CrimCity software


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East Sussex

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