In School/College INSET | Page 10 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Improving pupil engagement through creative tasking in the new KS3 History

The course will show: How to plan for more creative tasks and outcomes in KS3 History, How to improve pupil engagement through creative tasking, How to maintain rigour through the balance of creative tasks and outcomes set across the Key Stage

Who should attend?
Heads of History and Teachers of History

Improving Teaching and Learning in KS4 History

This training day offers delegates a repertoire of lesson ideas to help deliver a challenging, varied and enjoyable GCSE history course. Based on emerging knowledge about brain function and preferred learning styles, delegates will leave the course with over 100 lesson ideas.

Introducing Creativity into the History Curriculum

This course will offer a broad range of practical strategies and activities which will aim to excite, challenge and enrich history lessons at Key Stage 3. It will look at how a greater emphasis on teaching our pupils to be creative learners at Key Stage 3 will enable them to access a more sophisticated level of historical understanding and ultimately greater achievement at Key Stage 4 and 5.

Learning, Thinking and Revision Skills in History

Delegates will gain a wide range of practical strategies which they can use in the History classroom, all of which help to promote deeper learning and thinking. In particular, these approaches will help them to help their students with revision for examinations, both within school and at home.

As these strategies are worked through on the day, delegates will gain a deeper insight of how their students can learn most effectively in general, helping them to transfer this understanding to other classroom activities.

Motivating and engaging your History Students: Making the most of the opportunities created by the new National Curriculum programmes of study

This is a practical course which shares with delegates recent findings about motivating and engaging learners and examines ways in which they can be applied to history lessons. The morning sessions will examine the opportunities provided by the new National Curriculum to develop lessons which focus on process - as well as content - as a motivational tool. Delegates will have opportunities to use these findings to adapt generic tasks to their subject and create sample lessons to share with their school.

Motivating Minds - An innovative approach to KS3 History

History is sometimes considered to be a rather dry subject but nothing could be further from the truth if it is taught in an exciting and stimulating way. This course looks at ways to encourage creativity and independence in learning. This course is aimed at teachers/department leaders of KS3 history. However, the ideas explored are also relevent to other key stages and subjects and therefore teachers of other key stages and subjects - in particular Humanities - would also be very welcome.

New Classics A Levels: Guiding students to success in Civilisation & History

This course will examine effective ways of teaching Classical Civilisation and Ancient History to Year 12 and 13 students. It will help teachers to be clear on the aims of the course and the methods of assessment used in the A Level. Some time will also be given to considering how ancient evidence is to be used and analysed at this level.
Teachers who are new to the subject, especially nonspecialists, will find the course of benefit, as will more experienced teachers who might like to refresh their knowledge and share their experience with others.

Out of Slavery: British Caribbean History as part of KS3 History

Schools are being encouraged to incorporate black history into the curriculum and often, attention is given to the history of American black people and the civil rights movement, while that of British black people is largely neglected. This course aims to place black history within the history curriculum in a non-threatening manner.

Outlines of Athenian History

Delegates will have a much deeper knowledge and understanding of Athens and its empire in relation to the other city states of Greece, such as Sparta. Such knowledge underpins the whole of the Classical Civilisation examinations. There will be an investigation of the Athenian democratic system to widen this historical outline.

Outstanding History Lessons at Key Stages 3 and 4

Delegates will discuss and analyse a number of lessons from both key stages, judged by OfSTED to be outstanding. Drawing on these illustrated examples and their own experience, delegates will develop a really clear view of what is meant by an outstanding history lesson and be able to articulate this to their colleagues, using the wide variety of telling examples which will be worked through during the day.

Planning a Holocaust Education Scheme of Work for KS3 History/RE and/or Citizenship

Teachers often find it difficult to teach the Holocaust in an appropriate way due to constraints of time and a lack of appropriate resources. Many resort to merely showing a film such as Schindler’s List in its entirety. This course will seek to provide delegates with practical ideas and examples to enable teachers of History, RE and Citizenship to develop a scheme of work for teaching about the Holocaust. During the day delegates will have an opportunity to review a range of textbooks, poster packs and multimedia resources and consider how they may be used in the classroom.

Practical new ways of Improving the Examination Performance of your Pupils in GCSE History

There is tremendous pressure on departments to increase attainment, particularly across A* - C grades. Additionally, the increased value of Value Added data has meant that it is now imperative that improved performance across all grades is secured. Departments now have to examine all their processes for improving examination performance. This course will: focuse on a range of practical strategies to improve examination performance across all abilities; and examine the importance of embedding a three tier revision strategy that focuses on the different needs of all pupils.

Practical Strategies to help more of your pupils attain A & A* in GCSE History

For most of the day, delegates will work through a variety of tried-and-tested classroom strategies that have proved most successful in helping A and A* students achieve their potential.

Resources and Ideas for Successful Differentiation in History

This course will provide delegates with practical activities, strategies and approaches which will allow them to respond more readily to the individual learning needs of their students. Delegates will be given fresh ideas for offering new challenges, entitlement and support to the full range of students. It will explore how through a more sophisticated approach to differentiation in the history lesson, a greater level of historical understanding may be achieved for all students regardless of ability.

Teaching Emotive and Controversial Issues in History

History teachers sometimes struggle to engage the interest of pupils, even when history content may be emotive or controversial. In some settings, emotive and controversial history is a “no-go” area, where teachers want to avoid confronting difficult pupil attitudes or causing offence or lack confidence in certain areas of their subject knowledge.

Teaching History at Key Stages 3 and 4: Moving from 'Good' to 'Outstanding'

Delegates will discuss and analyse a number of lessons from both key stages, judged by OfSTED to be Outstanding. Drawing on these illustrated examples and their own experience, delegates will develop a really clear view of what is meant by an outstanding history lesson and be able to articulate this to their colleagues, using the wide variety of telling examples which will be worked through during the day.

Using Interactive Whiteboards to Raise Achievement in History

The aim of this course is to dispel the mystery surrounding this powerful new technology and give those attending a comprehensive overview of the exciting electronic resources specifically tailored to history teachers. The speaker will demonstrate how a whiteboard can help stimulate all your pupils by catering for their differing learning styles - and measurably improve attainment.

AS Level Sociology: Family and Households: Meeting the demands of the new specifications

This intensive, interactive one-day course has been specifically designed with the new specifications in mind. The programme of events will provide a unique and high energy day giving delegates an opportunity to discuss areas of current sociological research and consider a variety of interactive teaching methods suitable for the AS/A2 Level cohort.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) in Humanities

The course will examine AfL and APP in the context of Humanities. Delegates attending this course will come away with the principles of AfL and APP and how it can enhance the learning experience for students in Humanities.

The tutor will provide constructive advice on how to implement APP and strengthen the AfL strategy in Humanities to have a direct impact on achievement and self esteem of students in Humanities. Suzanne will give constructive advice on how to manage APP and demonstrate best practice so far in humanities with the AfL strategy.

Challenging Gifted & Talented Students in Humanities

This course reviews all aspects of challenging gifted and talented students in Humanities. The tutor will help you to develop an understanding of the needs of gifted and talented pupils in history, geography and religious studies. The focus will be on providing effective classroom provision for giftedness in Humanities within the context of the whole school strategy.

Developing Research Skills for the Diploma in Society, Health & Development (Levels 1, 2 and 3)

The focus of this training day will be on the ways learners can develop and enhance their research skills. Learners will start to do this at Level 1 and by Level 3 they will be expected to have the ability to independently discover relevant information and sift out what they do not need.

Developing Successful Exam Skills for the Diploma in Society, Health & Development (Levels 1, 2 and 3)

This key training will consider some of the implications of the new Diploma in Society, Health and Development. The main focus will be on preparing learners for the external assessments at each level. Those who attend will have the chance to consider how learning outcomes are linked to assessment criteria and how these are then tested in the external assessments.

Highly Effective Management of the KS3 Humanities Curriculum

The course will examine the management and development of the key stage 3 Humanities curriculum for History, Geography and Religious Studies. Delegates will come away with fresh ideas and practical strategies to enhance the quality of the key stage 3 Humanities curriculum.

Leading a Successful Humanities Department

The course will provide delegates with a practical understanding of the key areas of subject leadership, including change management, improvement planning, team and resource development and monitoring and evaluation. From running successful team meetings to making use of assessment data; from liaising with senior management to getting the best from department resources, a range of practical strategies will support new heads of department as they embark on this most important of school roles.

Literacy Skills to Raise Attainment in Humanities

The course examines all aspects of literacy within the Humanities curriculum. The course focuses on literacy skills to raise performance at key stage 3 and 4 with particular emphasis placed on strategies to improve the quality of writing. It will consider practical, explicit ways of developing literacy skills to raise achievement in Humanities.


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