In School/College INSET | Page 9 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Introducing Creativity to your Geography Teaching at Key Stages 3 & 4

This course will provide delegates with range of practical and creative ideas on how to cater for and challenge the dominant learning styles of their students and how to stimulate their creative thinking in Geography. Delegates will be made aware of the way in which the brain learns and will be given numerous opportunities to explore how this knowledge can impact positively upon their geography teaching.

Learning to Learn in KS 3 & 4 Geography

This course will encourage teachers and students to think about "process" in lessons as well as "content". This will emphasise "how we will learn today" as well as "what we will learn today". By using Learning to Learn techniques in a geographical context, students can become more independent learners, and made more aware of how they successfully learn. In doing so students will learn to enjoy the Geographical content far more and appreciate the academic benefits this approach can bring.

Maximising Performance in the Controlled Assessment in Geography at Key Stage 4

The course is designed to examine the new focus for coursework of controlled assessment and the impact on departmental performance at Key Stage 4. We will review the requirements for controlled assessment and ways to improve the quality of provision and practice of this vital part of Key Stage 4 for examination performance and prioritise key areas for action.

Outstanding Differentiation in Geography in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5

Effective differentiation is the key to enabling every student to reach their potential in the geography classroom. The course will explore methods of differentiation in the geography classroom.

Outstanding Lessons in Geography at KS 3 & 4

This course will focus on the strategy and practice of teaching Geography at KS3 and KS4 and viewing the links between the two stages as an opportunity for the development of confidence, enjoyment and achievement amongst learners.

Promoting Achievement & Enjoyment through Differentiation in Geography

This course will explain what Differentiation is, why it is necessary, but most importantly give advice and strategies for practical implementation in schemes of work and lessons. Opportunities will be given to look at and evaluate differentiated lesson plans and advice will be given on creating differentiated lessons from scratch.
Emphasis throughout the day will be on achievement and enjoyment for all students from the less able through the often forgotten middle to gifted and talented at the top end.

Providing for Able, Gifted and Talented Students in Geography

This course will provide opportunities for teachers of geography to understand more about the needs of gifted and talented pupils in their subject. Attendees will explore a range of teaching methods and resources best suited to G&T students in Geography. They will be able to define and identify G&T Pupils, recognise characteristics of able Geographers and focus on how to provide effective classroom provision for G&T geographers.
Aims of the course are to:
* Recognise the importance of setting suitable learning challenges

Teaching and Learning in Geography: we have the technology!

This course will focus on practical ways in which ICT can be used to support and enhance geography. Participants will learn what inspectors consider good practice and will investigate significant research findings. They will learn how to use the software and hardware commonly available in schools more effectively and in innovative ways.

In addition, they will think about the value of Geographical Information Systems in the geography classroom and have the opportunity to view a selection of these.

The aims of the course are to:

Teaching Strategies to Break the D/C Barriers in GCSE Geography

Each year schools reflect on their students who just missed a grade C with a grade D in their GCSE.

The aim of this course is to help boost the departmental A*/C pass rate with tried and tested strategies that are almost guaranteed to bring an improvement in results. It will suggest approaches and strategies that will lead to highly effective teaching and exam success.

The Highly Effective Head of Geography

The course is designed to help you meet the demands of leadership of the Geography department. The departmental head is a key area of responsibility in a school and the course is designed to help you meet this challenge. All aspects of leadership and management of the Geography department will be reviewed with top tips for success.

The Secrets of Teaching an Outstanding Geography Lesson

Producing an outstanding lesson may seem impossibly hard, but doing so on a regular basis?! Any professional teacher can produce an amazing lesson ready for observers eyes after many devoted hours of planning, ...but when the observers are gone? Your students are still there, with their expectations, and so are you! How can we continue to excel at this level continuously time after time!

Using Interactive Whiteboards to Support and Enhance Geography

This course develops strategies that will support and enhance teaching and learning in geography through the use of an interactive whiteboard. It will help you use the board to improve communication, focus learning, aid critical thinking and develop pupils' geographical skills. The course will consider how simulations might be used creatively in a whole-class context. Smartboards will be used on the day, but all the ideas that will be discussed are applicable to any brand of interactive whiteboard.

Health and Social Care: The Way Forward

Vocational courses in Health and Social care have been developing over several years. The national qualifications framework has been revised and refined to provide students with a continuous and comprehensive progression of courses from entry level to doctoral. This course puts vocational Health and Social Care in the context of other courses and career routes. It will look at some of the courses on offer at different levels, including GCSE Health and Social Care.

How to help Pupils deal with Bereavement

This course is aimed at school nurses, but will be of interest to many other school support staff and teachers that would like to able to counsel pupils that have lost a parent or guardian through death or separation.

Practical Counselling Skills for School Nurses and Support Staff

This course aims to build your confidence in dealing with pupils’ issues and concerns and to help enable you to bridge any gaps that there may be between you and the pupil. To offer you practical skills through offering clear guidance on creating rapport through positive body language, active listening, reflection, empathy and effective questioning.

Achieving Outstanding Teacher of A-Level Classical Civilisation

As Classical Civilisation teachers we appreciate the articistic techniques of the ancients, we enjoy studying political and social contexts, and value the ideas expressed in classical texts. This course is about ensuring our passion for the subject is transferred to our students. It aims to provide a range of strategies and techqiues to help teachers motivate students to a greater depth of knowledge of stronger understanding of subject concepts.

Active Engagement in History Lessons at KS 3 and 4

This course will give you the confidence and expertise to plan and teach active history lessons at both KS3 and 4. Throughout the day you will work through a wide range of tried-and-tested approaches which are not only motivating but also deepen historical understanding.

Active Teaching and Lively Learning: What Great History Teachers are Doing in Their Lessons

How do we make those History lessons and pupils sparkle? How do we ensure that pupils opt to study History at GCSE? These are the challenges for the secondary teacher of History.

An Overview of Homer and the Greek Theatre

Delegates, at the end of the course, should understand the background of Homer, his poetry and society. This will also be linked to the Greek theatre. The course will seek to investigate the origins of the Greek theatre and its context in 5th C society.

For both elements of this course, the relationship of the poet and society will be a crucial element.

Assessment for Learning in History

This course will provide attendees with an overview of the various areas involved in developing an effective assessment for learning approach. It will provide practical examples of assessment for learning materials which can be used across the History department. The tutor will provide a strategy to enable you to effectively make assessment for learning an integral part of the teaching and learning of your department, rather than a bolt-on extra. Delegates will be provided with an action plan which they can take back to school and then confidently implement into their teaching.

Assessment Strategies for History at Key Stages 3 and 4

Delegates will gain a range of practical assessment strategies, such as different methods of self and peer assessment, questioning techniques and ways to produce effective pupil responses to written and oral feedback.

Underpinning these practical ideas there will be constant reflection on the teaching and learning principles involved, so that delegates gain a deep understanding about why these approaches work, so that they can transfer them to a wide range of contexts. All the strategies demonstrated here have been used successfully in History classrooms.

Brain Based Learning in AS / A2 History

Based on emerging knowledge about brain function, preferred learning styles and multiple intelligences, delegates will leave the course with a great many lesson ideas and a clear insight into how they can use this new knowledge in their classrooms.

GCSE Classical Civilisation: Inspiring Students & Raising Achievement

The course will give a clear picture of the content of the Classical Civilisation GCSE and what candidates are expected to do during the examination. It will also provide opportunities for teachers to look at how to use ancient evidence effectively, and consider some of the difficulties in constructing a picture of the Ancient world.
Teachers will be encouraged to share their experience, so that as many different teaching strategies as possible can be considered. Above all, this will be a day to enjoy Classics and what it can offer.

High-quality History Enquiries & Teaching the ‘Big Picture’

Delegates will deepen their understanding of enquiry in history, especially in those areas given greater emphasis in the new Key Stage curriculum from 2008. They will work through a range of triedand- tested examples of good practice which genuinely develop pupils' ability to ask their own questions and to evaluate sources, including digital and web-based materials.

Highly-effective Teaching and Learning in AS and A2 History

This course will equip you with an unprecedented range of highly effective teaching and learning strategies for both AS and A2 history that they can immediately implement in your own classes. It will show how to prepare students systematically and imaginatively for each type of exam question, it will also provide compelling examples of how to make the learning really engaging and memorable: approaches that can be used regularly throughout the course.


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