In School/College INSET | Page 15 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Making it Vocational at Key Stage 4

Vocational learning is more effective where there is clear entitlement for all learners and a framework that allows this to flourish. The statutory requirement for all Key Stage 4 learners to be involved in work-related learning is a key element in the education system. Through a greater understanding of requirements, management, planning and teaching and learning, you will be able to deliver your vocational course and curriculum more effectively, ensuring that students are learning through work, about work and for work.

Making Pupil Data Powerful

The course will reflect on the pupil data that is available across the whole school - and how all teachers from NQT to Headteacher can make sense of it.

The course is designed for teachers to operate in a data rich environment and to feel more confident to interpret data to impact on learning. It is vital for all teachers to understand what data is available in school and set appropriate and effective targets for pupils, teachers, departments, the school as a whole, as well as personal self improvement.

Making Pupil Data Powerful

This course illustrates ways in which data on pupil attainment can be used by classroom teachers to improve learning, set challenging targets, track progress and identify underachievement. It provides strategies and techniques which help pupils to reach their target grades, giving school-based examples of good practice in Assessment for Learning. It explores the effectiveness of academic review sessions and the central role of the tutor in using the school's system of data collection and assessment - to ultimately help empower individual pupils.

Making Pupil Data Powerful: How Middle Leaders Can Use Pupil Data More Effectively to Raise Achievement

This course will reflect on the pupil data that is available across the whole school - and how the head of department can make sense of it and influence the teachers within their subject area. After the course delegates will feel confident to interpret on behalf of and coach individual classroom teachers, as well as feed into the central school system.

Attendees will be clear about the difference between potential and attainment - and how both data sets can be used to impact on learning.

Managing Diversity in Your School

This course is aimed at Head teachers, Deputy Head teachers, members of SMT and anyone in school who wishes to have greater appreciation of the concept of Diversity and to raise awareness of equal opportunity legislation and its implications within school.

Managing Information in an Independent School

This course aims to give an overview of the process of managing information effectively in a large independent school. It provides advice on how to select a suitable package, how to prepare for the advent of a new system - and how to ensure that the system is used to best effect to serve the interests of the school. A fully working system using real (but disguised) data is used to illustrate aspects of the information management process and highlight possible difficulties.

Managing People, Personalities & Pressure (Part One): Happiness at Work

By attending the course you will become more confident in dealing with colleagues and students, especially the 'awkward' ones and those that need your support.

You will be able to identify your 'time wasters' and become more effective in terms of saving time by learning how to handle such distractions, be it people, personalities or pressure. You will learn how to avoid colluding with time wasting psychological games.

Managing Stress and Staying Positive under Pressure

The challenges and demands facing education professionals can cause damaging levels of stress. This interactive course is an opportunity to learn how to manage stress so that you develop the ability to cope effectively with pressure and to maintain an energetic and balanced approach to work.

Mentoring for Middle and Senior Leaders in Secondary Schools: Heading for Success

As a busy manager this course provides valuable information and proven strategies for improving your performance in four demanding - but largely overlooked - aspects of your role i.e. problem solving, paperwork, public profile/communication skills and personal effectiveness.

Middle Leaders Using APP Most Powerfully to Strengthen the AfL Strategy

Putting APP at the heart of learning for every pupil is now a key priority at school, local authority and national level. Indeed, many schools are already engaged in APP as part of their AfL work. The course will give constructive and practical advice on how to lead and manage APP at departmental level with an AfL focus.

Monitoring & Evaluation for Heads of Department

With the evolving OFSTED inspection process placing increasing emphasis on school self-evaluation, this wide-ranging course provides guidance on effective monitoring and evaluation for middle leaders. It will demonstrate how monitoring and review processes can be simultaneously user-friendly and effective, and bring direct benefits to teachers and pupils. The approach taken supports the full spectrum of school self-review processes and also provides insights to developments in external reviews of subject and school performance.

Motivating the Teenage Mind

What motivates a teenage learner? This course will give teachers a chance to consider issues surrounding motivation and the teenage learner (including students in the approaching years!). We will look at types of learners and learning styles and how these can be addressed within the classroom. We will reflect on different teaching methods. Which styles have the greatest impact and why? Finally, we will explore a scheme of work based on a new approach - ‘Motivating Minds’ and consider possible change to our own practice through refection and discussion.

Moving to Pastoral Leadership

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

Many teachers find the role of form tutor both rewarding and satisfying. Those who wish to progress on the pastoral career route will find that this course allows them a chance to reflect on the more challenging pastoral situations that can arise. It also reviews the management and organisational skills needed to lead a Year Team of tutors.

Aims of the course are to:

Narrowing the Gap: Getting the most out of Pupil Premium

Children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds are well-known to underperform at school, leading to reduced opportunities in later life. In order to redress the balance and align the attainment of the poorest pupils with those from wealthier families, the pupil premium has been introduced. The pupil premium is a nationally agreed sum of money which is paid directly to the school for each pupil who is eligible for Free School Meals irrespective of the age of pupil, level of ability and type of setting attended.

New to Form Tutoring: Roles, Skills & Responsibilities

This course provides a clear overview of the roles, skills and responsibilities of form tutors. Participants will reflect on the different ways that schools have developed this role - and the course will include practical interactive exercises, group discussion and tutor input.

New to Headship: How to Make an Effective and Sustainable Impact in your Initial Years of Headship

The step up to headship can be a challenging one. This one-day induction course, with follow-up coaching and support, will help ensure that the transition is effective and the challenge proves successful, rewarding and professionally developmental.

New to the Senior Leadership Team?

Being appointed to senior management for the first time can be a daunting experience. Your relationships with colleagues in the staffroom suddenly alter and you are unsure of your new role in the Leadership Team. What style of Leadership should you adopt? What can you best contribute to the team? How should you manage your new areas of responsibility?

People, Pay and Performance: Aspects of the Change Agenda

The course provides information and guidance to members of School Leadership teams on how performance management policy and practice might be developed in the light of expectations form changes nationally to school teachers' pay and conditions.

Personlised Learning: Planning and Structuring for Variety in Teaching and Learning

This course will look at different teaching and learning strategies, their effectiveness, and how these have changed over time. It will examine the notions of learning styles and personalised learning - and look at the practical implications for classroom teaching.

Participants will generate relevant and innovative lesson activities which use a range of learning styles - as well as having the opportunity to present and discuss aspects of teaching and learning.

Practical Guidance on Becoming an Effective Induction Tutor

This course will ensure delegates are fully conversant with all legislation governing the induction period for NQTs. Karl will also offer advice on what to do if things go wrong and provide exemplars of effective induction packs and programmes

Preparing for Assistant and Deputy Headship (Residential)

This course is intended for teachers either actively seeking, or in the process of preparing for, deputy headship in secondary schools. It provides an orientation on the context and role, the practical skills required and the ways these are assessed in a typical selection process. Authentic materials are used throughout.

*If you would prefer not to have accommodation please indicate this in the special requirements section of the booking form. We will then only invoice your school for £350 if you book online before the end of Jan 2005.

Preparing For Promotion (in a secondary school)

Long-standing, recently-appointed teachers, even NQTs, need to plan for their first promotion. They need to understand what is required and to build up their expertise and CV accordingly. They need to know what questions will be asked at interview and how to answer those questions.

Preparing to become an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) or Excellent Teacher (ET)

The course will give teachers considering AST or ET status details of the application and assessment procedures and how to provide evidence to meet the standards. There will be advice on building a high quality portfolio and organising a successful assessment. Guidance will be provided on how to demonstrate outstanding teaching when lessons are observed by assessors.

Preparing your Secondary School for the Next Inspection under the New OFSTED Framework

This course will be of interest to head teachers, deputy head teachers, assistant head teachers, senior managers and chairs of governors. OFSTED will introduce new guidelines for inspections from September 2005. This course will enable secondary school managers to gain an in-depth knowledge of them in order to prepare their school for it's next inspection.

Preparing your Secondary School for the Next Inspection Under the New Ofsted Framework from Autumn 2005

Ofsted will introduce new guidelines for inspections from autumn term 2005. In future, inspections will be more regular, be conducted with very little notice given to schools and involve greater self-evaluation. This course will enable secondary school leaders and managers to gain an in-depth knowledge of the new guidelines in order to prepare their school fully for the next inspection.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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