In School/College INSET | Page 13 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Common Assessment Framework (CAF) User Training

The course will familiarise delegates with the procedures for completing the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) which arose from the 2004 Children Act and the Every Child Matters Agenda which resulted from this legislation.

Communication Skills to take you to the next level of Leadership - A Two Day Course

Delegates will understand how some of the best communicators in the world operate and how the needs of the audience are assessed to ensure an enthusiastic response and a positive outcome. We believe that everyone already has very powerful communication skills. However we believe by the end of the course your communication skills will have been transformed and whether it is one-to-one or a full presentation to a large audience, you will feel better equipped to lead people towards your shared and exciting vision.

Community Cohesion - What is required of Schools?


As a result of attending this course delegates will gain a thorough knowledge of the concept of community cohesion. This training day will include practical strategies for developing a whole school approach to promoting this important principle cohesion. Delegates will also develop a practical understanding of self-evaluation procedures to monitor the implementation of strategies to promote community cohesion and to measure their effectiveness.

Confident Classroom Leadership

This key one-day course is immensely popular with schools and colleges. It takes a fresh and inspiring look at those key aspects of behaviour management that go towards making teachers and others even more successful in the classroom.

It has been applauded by new and very experienced practitioners alike for its practical and pragmatic approach to supporting both professionals and students in the day-to-day business of getting along with each other in the complexity of today's busy classrooms.

Conflict Management for Heads of Year

Conflict and confrontation are becoming more commonplace in school, not just with pupils, but also with parents and colleagues. This interactive course helps the Head of Year in a number of ways by learning more about one's own motivations which may lead to better empathy with others, by practising and evaluating our own and others' listening and communication skills, by looking at the mananagement of both our own and others' anger, and finally by learning negotiation and mediation strategies to achieve a win-win situation.

Continuing Professional Development for Teachers, Lecturers and Support Staff: Measuring the Return on Investment

Increasingly 'Staff Development' is being regarded as a business driver, critical to the future success of the school. All departments within schools are being asked to demonstrate the impact they are having on pupil success and the investment that the school makes in staff development is no exception.
Measuring 'Return on Investment' in this area is not easy but it is possible. This event will focus on the issues that need to be considered and explore the process that can be adopted to undertake this activity.

Aims of the course are to:

Costing the Curriculum

The methods introduced will be directly relevant and of immediate use to your school. The innovative techniques Mervyn demonstrates will shed fresh light on what can otherwise be an arduous and unenviable task. Attending this highly regarded course will prove of real benefit to your school in its future curriculum development and timetabling activities.

Developing a Quality Assembly Programme within Secondary Schools

Through an effective assembly programme you can build a strong, caring community alongside a positive school ethos. This course will explore the development and implementation of a quality school assembly programme to support and enhance government initiatives such as Every Child Matters, Personal Development & Wellbeing, and SEAL.

Developing as a Highly Effective CPD Co-ordinator

The course is designed to examine what constitutes a highly effective CPD co-ordinator. The role is vital and essential in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning and school performance. The requirements for developing the CPD role to have real impact for the staff, students and school community will be reviewed.

Developing Provision for Post 16 Gifted and Talented Learners

This course aims to support senior managers and teachers in sixth forms and FE colleges wanting to develop provision for their most able learners. Aimhigher focuses on Post-16 gifted and talented learners as a key target group. This course will help those involved in post 16 education take practical steps to improve their provision for G&T students, by looking at current practice and introducing G&T policies and strategies within individual institutions to help students maximise their attainment.
Aims of the course are to:

Developing the Intregrated Curriculum at KS3

A significant number of schools have seen the benefit for their pupils in developing 'the integrated curriculum'. It has provided a means for personalised learning, for developing more confident, self-aware and more successful students capable of meeting the demands of the 21st Century. However, schools have developed a variety of forms of this Curriculum, Which is the best model for your school, your students and staff? This course will provide delegates with an opportunity to scrutinise the various models currently in practice.

Diversifying your Teaching for Personalising Learning

This course is for all those people that know that one size does not fit all, that equal is not fair and that the only thing in the middle of the road is a white line and some squashed frog - but haven't known what to do about it in the face of 'National' curriculum and standardised testing.
Understanding the important differences and being able to respond to them - to allow students to feel that they are being given the opportunity to fulfil their view of their potential - is something which some can do naturally, but which needs to occur across the board.

Do I really want to be a Head Teacher?

Gaining your first headship is more than gaining the relevant qualifications and experience. It is crucial that you know yourself very well, be clear about your vision and how you will lead a team towards it. You also need to be able to communicate this vision to a wide variety of people - including students, parents and staff, as well as the governors.

Effective Classroom Observation & Feedback: Post-16

Having attended this course delegates will be able to identify appropriate criteria to judge the quality of Post-16 teaching and learning. Recognising appropriate protocols and methods for observing teachers and - crucially providing effective feedback to observed teachers, will also be covered.

The course will also show delegates how to recognise themes for quality improvement in teaching and learning at Post-16.

Effective Classroom Observation and Feedback

This course is designed to develop the skills of observing lessons and giving high quality feedback. It will look at the key issues in completing lesson observations, particularly the importance of developing analysis, evaluation and evidence.

The focus will be on observing lessons using the new OfSTED guidance for departmental or school self-evaluation and the new performance management framework. The final session will look at strategies for effectively feeding back to colleagues, particularly where there are areas for development.

Effective Leadership of BTEC Programmes

This course will provide practical advice to enhance the effectiveness of the BTEC provision in your department and/or centre. It provides clear guidelines help to those involved in the leadership of BTECs to ensure that awarding body requirements are met, programmes run smoothly and learner achievement is maximised.

There will be advice on developing appropriate systems, policies and procedures to ensure teachers and learners are supported and that you get the most out of your BTEC provision.

Effective Use of Data for Middle Leaders

Delegates will be introduced to the current range of 'external measures' available to schools - and practical exercises will be used to investigate the potential uses of these techniques to a middle leader. This will be followed by a review of current systems for 'target setting' at school, subject and pupil level. Software will be provided (specifically designed to assist in this process) with the opportunity for hands-on practical experience using 'dummy' data.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

This essential training, for all head teachers and senior managers, demonstrates the profound impact emotional intelligence can have on leadership - and how it can improve learning and achievement in your school.

Emotional Intelligence in Team Leadership

Delegates will explore how to create emotionally intelligent teams in schools, raise achievement through successful leadership, make performance management a motivating and potent force within their school or team, how to resolve conflict and build real teams, and how to motivate others towards a shared vision of a successful future.

Essential Law for Teaching Professionals

'The law is a ass, an idiot!'

Do you feel as Mr. Bumble did, in Charles Dickens' book Oliver Twist, when you think about current law in this country and the way it impacts on day to day life in school? Is it time to update your school policies and practices to reflect the demands of the law?

On leaving this course, delegates will have a clearer understanding of the law in relation to the subjects discussed and will be better equipped to initiate and implement change in their schools, if needed.

Evaluating Your Sixth Form Accurately

Focusing on the current OfSTED evaluation schedule and self-evaluation form (SEF), this course will look at how to evaluate the main aspects of a school sixth form.

Starting with a focus on how sixth forms in secondary schools are currently inspected, there will be an emphasis on good practice in writing the sixth form sections of self-evaluation forms.

Everyone different, Everyone Special: Working with the Single Equality Bill

Since November 2010 all schools have to demonstrate compliance with the new Single Equality legislation. This means that, as well as continuing current work on gender, race and disability, schools will now have to demonstrate how they are including young people and staff under eight protected characteristics. This is a massive change for schools, and support to implement these changes has been widely different across the country.

Excelling as a Subject Leader: Successfully Establishing the 'X Factor' in Your Department

An excellent classroom practitioner, an efficient department manager and an inspirational leader are all key factors in successful subject leadership. This course addresses those three requirements with clear definitions, helpful support and practical advice.

Financial Management Standard and Toolkit: How to get it to work for your school

This course is designed to provide delegates with an understanding of the Dfes new Financial Management Standard and Toolkit, and how it can start to be implemented into their school to improve better financial management and control. The day will also show how to use the standard in both the secondary and primary sector to enable best practice in financial control and to comply with audit requirements.

Fit Your Own Mask First

This course gives you clear and up-to-date knowledge and skills to take charge of your thoughts and feelings in positive and helpful ways. It explains the psychology of successfully being the best you can be to make more of a difference to young people.

You will leave the course with powerful ideas that you can use every day to maximise your potential and self esteem.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880