In School/College INSET | Page 12 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Working Towards the ICT Mark

This course will introduce theoretical and practical ideas that will help you elevate and structure your whole school development of ICT and achieve your vision of a successful learning community. It will also challenge delegates to reflect on how their school approaches its use of ICT to support teaching and learning. The course will examine how the ICT Mark can support the self review framework (SRF) and how this relates to school self-evaluation (SEF). We will consider the set forms of evidence that support the application process for the ICT Mark.

A Level Criminal Law

The delegates on this course will receive a wealth of teaching materials and resources for the Criminal options at A2. They will also leave the course with a better understanding of the laws themselves as well as what is required for the exam and ways to deliver the course effectively.

Methods to improve students understanding will be explained and demonstrated. Practical resources will be provided that will have instant benefit in the classroom.

A Wealth of Teaching Activities in A Level Law

This is a course designed to provide teachers of AS/A2 Law with inspirational advice and practical resources to improve all areas of their teaching. It will provide tried and tested techniques to improve student performance and bring to life the teaching experience for both the teacher and the students. Delegates will be provided with extensive resources that can be put to immediate use in their lessons.

Become an Outstanding Teacher of GCSE Law

This course is designed to help teachers improve the delivery of GCSE Law. Useful tips and practical resources will be provided to aid your teaching as well as advice on how to inspire students of all abilities.

This course will provide teachers with ways to vary their lessons, make the most of ICT and improve the grades of their pupils. The course will focus on new, stimulating and engaging approaches to challenge and interest their students at GCSE level.

Become an Outstanding Teacher of A level Law

This course is designed to help teachers improve the delivery of A-level Law. Useful tips and practical resources will be provided to aid your teaching as well as advice on how to inspire students of all abilities.

This CPD day will provide teachers with ways to vary their lessons, make the most of ICT and get high grades. The course will focus on new, stimulating and engaging approaches to challenging and interesting their students at AS & A2 level.

Teaching A level Law for the First Time

This course is designed to help new teachers improve the delivery of A-level Law. Useful tips and practical resources will be provided to aid your teaching as well as advice on how to inspire

The day will provide new teachers with ways to vary their lessons, make the most of ICT and get high grades. The course will focus on new, stimulating and engaging approaches to challenge and interest their students at AS & A2 level.

Teaching Low-ability Students to Pass A Level Law

The primary aim of this course is to try and ensure that all students pass AS law to enable them to get onto the A2 course.

As everyone knows, the term 'value added' only applies to students who pass. If they fail then it tends to be the teachers who senior management see as being responsible.

Using ICT Effectively in Teaching Law

This is a 'hands-on' course with an initial demonstration of ways to use ICT to teach law, followed by time for the delegates to produce their own resources. The delegates on this course will receive a wealth of ideas that can be directly applied in the classroom. They will also receive example of professionally produced teaching materials and ICT resources that they can take away with them.

A Whole School Approach to Restorative Justice: Developing the Just School

This course will offer practical advice to those wishing to enhance the effectiveness of their school's environment and behaviour management systems. The course provides a clear guide to help Heads of Year and Pastoral Leaders with a responsibility for behaviour management to introduce positive and effective restorative conversations.

Achieving the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge

The Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge provides for the first time a national accreditation combining the essential elements of provision - learning and safety - into one easily recognisable and trusted Quality Badge for all types of Learning Outside the Classroom provider organisations.
Widespread consultation with those involved with children and young people's services revealed the need for a common scheme which could provide an assurance as to the quality of the educational experiences on offer.

Achieving Work and Life Balance

This course helps you develop approaches, attitudes and habits for coping with our everyday pressures and stresses - and to create a life that is both balanced and satisfying. You will learn skills and techniques to enable you to take control of your life and restore and maintain balance and harmony in your personal and professional activities.

African-Caribbean Boys - Raising Achievment

This corse provides an overview of the relevant issues concerning the achievement of African-caribbean boys. The training involves a mixture of activities including workshops, group sessions and time for discution. There will be practical activities and realistic solytions to consider.

An Insight into NLP for Teachers

This course provides teachers with an insight into Neuro Linguistic Programming and its benefits in the classroom. Teachers who are striving for 'excellence' will find that NLP holds many of the strategies for success and continual professional development that are essential for progression.

An Introduction to Equality and Diversity

This course is designed for those new to equality and diversity or those seeking to update their existing understanding of the area. Equality and diversity is a limiting grade for schools and colleges, which can limit the overall institution grade during inspection.

And not "Or": Meeting the Challenge of Getting Pupils to Gain 'C' or Above in both English and Maths Practical Strategies to Raise your Whole School 5 A*-C Grades incl. English and Maths

With the continued drive to raise standards in secondary schools, schools are under constant pressure to meet targets for their percentage of 5 A*-C grades including English and Maths. Enabling pupils to gain a 'C' grade or above in both Maths and English is critical in demonstrating this progress.

There is nothing more frustrating when pupils gain a 'C' grade or above in either Maths or English but not both.

Assertiveness Skills for Managers of Office and Support Staff

Assertiveness is a key factor in effective management. If you develop your assertiveness skills you will increase your confidence and self-esteem, and enhance the respect you gain from others. This course encourages you to learn and practice some of the skills and techniques of managing others assertively.

Brain Gym and Whole-school Learning

This course gives you a dynamic insight into how students learn, take in information and process it. With this knowledge you can design lesson plans that access every student’s potential. Each learning style will demonstrate what happens to a student’s understanding when stressed. Combining this knowledge with a movement programme, students can significantly improve concentration and recall, memory and comprehension. There are 64 different profile types – learn which one is yours and make an impact on student’s understanding of themselves.

Building Capacity

As a leader you are largely judged by the results others are able to achieve. Attending this course will give you the confidence and skills to support your team members to become even more effective at all levels.

Using proven feedback skills and informal coaching you will have ways to recognise and affirm quality teaching authentically AND effectively address performance issues that may be causing concern. You will be able to apply solution focused thinking to create progress with your current challenges generate clear and successful outcomes.

Building from the Foundations: Budgeting Strategies for Middle Leaders

By attending this highly practical course, delegates will gain an understanding of the techniques of budget building, how the budget links to the School or College Development Plan and its value as a management tool.
Delegates will also have the opportunity to put those techniques into action in a workshop environment and draw up an action plan to use on returning.
The aims of the course are to:
* Explain the two main budget building techniques and the ways in which they are used
* Examine the elements that drive a school or College’s budget

Capacity to Improve. Rising to Challenges Presented by OfSTED

Many schools and colleges rely upon staff development to improve the standard of teaching and learning in their institution. However, although staff development is a powerful tool, it is not always quite enough to provide the improvement in grades that inspection now demands. Grade 3 teaching is no longer seen as an acceptable standard and OfSTED demand to see the organisations plans for its Capacity to Improve this profile.

Carrying out a Parental Satisfaction Survey in School

This course will familiarise participants with the new framework for school inspection and the self-reviewing school, and demonstrate how to make the survey simple and uncomplicated to maximise the return rate. The speaker will also indicate ways in which you can judge how well you're doing - i.e. practical ways of interpreting the data.

Challenging Areas of Underperformance: Negotiating for Improvement

Schools are under intense pressure to improve. Most departments respond positively to the challenges, but in every school there are areas of weakness which don't seem to get better and adversely affect the school's results. These areas of underperformance won't get better on their own. This course is designed to give delegates some techniques for approaching 'well defended' colleagues, skills in negotiating for improvement and the confidence to address the more challenging areas of underperformance in their schools and departments.
Aims of the course are to:

Climbing Towards Excellence: How to Get the Best for Students at GCSE

This conference will provide many ideas and examples of how to improve GCSE results by a CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT. Based on previous experiences in many schools, these well-tried proposals have an impact on borderline students. The conference will give your team an excellent starting point for making impact within one year. The ideas are not gimmicks, but well-thought out (‘laser sharp’ according to the TES) and with a sound educational base.

Closing the Pupil Premium GAP at KS3: an Evidence Based Approach


In 2011, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) published a Teaching and Learning Toolkit, designed to help schools decide how best to spend the Pupil Premium in order to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. From 2010-2014, James and Kate designed and developed a whole school, evidence-based approach to narrowing the attainment gap while raising standards overall.

Coaching for Successful Interviews

Being interviewed for a university place or a job can be very stressful especially when you really want to be successful. It is difficult enough for anyone, however, as a young inexperienced student, it is likely to be even more daunting.


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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880