In School/College INSET | Page 3 | Lighthouse Professional Development

In School/College INSET

If you are looking for a course to run onsite at your school or college, we have over 800 to chose from. These are all quality assured courses we have successfully run in the recent past.  They have been delivered exclusively by trusted trainers that consistently receive great feedback.  98% of attendees state they would recommend our courses on their evaluation forms.

To narrow down the list of courses to only those in your chosen subject, simply click below on the area of expertise most applicable to you or your colleagues. Otherwise you will be scrolling all 800 teacher training days in alphabetical order!  If you're planning a Whole School INSET day, our unrivalled range of learning and teaching, pastoral care, behaviour, leadership and Special Educational Needs programmes may well prove of interest.

Once you find a course of interest (or if you already know the INSET topic you would like to run) click on the contact form link on this page, including prospective dates, and we will happily check availability for you.  We are offering a 20% discount on all INSET speakers booked in June and July.  This applies even if you are planning ahead for the next academic year.

In-School & In-College Training Inquiry Form

Course Browser

Pastoral Care for Support Staff in Schools and Colleges

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Support staff play a vital role not only in supporting the teaching professionals, but often they provide a listening ear for troubled children. This frequently places pressure on them as they feel they need to know more about the issues troubling young people and how to help.

Pastoral Care in a Whole School Context

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The role of the pastoral leader has changed. This course will examine the part a school's pastoral system plays in the Whole School context, particularly in terms of Raising Achievement and contributing to the School's Development Plan. The pastoral system and the pastoral leader are central in this process.

Pastoral Care in Independent Schools

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

Young people in Independent education often need more than academic support from staff. This one day course, by examining the factors that can hold young people back, offers help and guidance to enable all staff working in Independent Schools to help young people reach their full potential and gain emotional and economic wellbeing.

PEER MENTORING 2: Moving Peer Mentoring forward in your School or College

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
A structured training programme is essential to enable your peer mentoring group to reach its potential in terms of the expertise your mentors can offer the peers they talk to. This comprehensive course is designed to support you in developing and implementing a structured training programme. The day will deal with detailed aspects of peer mentoring training and supervision.

Peer Mentoring Training and Supervision

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
A structured training programme is essential to enable your peer mentoring group reach its potential in terms of the expertise your mentors can offer the peers they talk to. This comprehensive course is designed to support you in developing and implementing a structured training programme.

Peer Mentoring: Introducing and Setting Up Peer Mentoring Group

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course is ideal for people that have already set up a Peer Mentoring Group - as well as for those that are planning to do so. The training will be suitable for Heads of Year, Form Tutors, staff responsible for PSHE and Citizenship - as well as School Counsellors, Learning Mentors and Learning Support Assistants.

Peer Partnering and Anti-bullying

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Peer supporters understand the problems of their peers encountered in everyday life. They can act as Mentors, which involves an appreciation of each others' ideas, Advocates, who interpret their partner's point of view and help them to resolve differences, Befrienders who act as a confidante giving stability in times of stress and Mediators when relationships break down linking with an Arbitrator and helping in development. In this course you will learn how to set up a Peer Support Group who will act as partners to those who are involved in bullying situations.

Physical Restraint in Secondary and Special Schools

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The use of resonable force to control and restrain pupils is a growing issue in schools as they continually strive to provide inclusive learning enviroments. Circular 10/98 and more recent joint guidance produced by the DfES and DOH has increased the anxiety of staff when faced with young people who present challenging behaviour. This one-day course attempts to reduce this anxiety and provide schools with practical appraoch, based on effective policy and practice in order to protect both staff and pupils.

Positive Management of Challenging and Obstructive Behaviours

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

The course will allow delegates to share and develop practical strategies for improving student behaviour and reduce dependency on referring to more senior colleagues. The programme will have a practical participatory theme and will include presentations by the trainer, syndicate work and practical exercises – and will be informal with a strong emphasis on finding realistic and workable solutions.

Aims of the course are to:

Post 16 Students' Mental Health

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The mental health of young people in the UK is giving grave concern nationally. However, those who work with Post 16 students can greatly assist in helping young people manage issues of anxiety, depression, self-harm, family difficulties and relationships by understanding what underpins some of the more common mental health issues affecting young adults.

Practical Behaviour Strategies for Playtime

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course provides staff with effective behaviour management strategies for playtimes and lunchtimes, enabling them to review their current playtime practices to ensure consistency. This interactive programme gives staff a bank of tried and tested positive approaches to deal with low-level to challenging behaviour, as well as provide learning opportunities through play.

Practical Counselling Skills for Teachers & Support Staff

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

Pupils cannot learn when they are preoccupied with emotional upsets.  Through effective counselling you can enhance their learning and achievement.  This course aims to build your confidence and affirm your present counselling practices when dealing with pupils’ issues and concerns.

Practical Strategies to Minimise Low Level Disruption in the Classroom

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course encourages delegates to consider their own classroom presentation skills, and the way in which these impact on the ability of pupils to learn, as well as give advice on achieving peak performance with the minimum of stress.

The emphasis throughout is on positive management of the classroom environment to minimise and tackle low-level disruption and maximise pupil focus and results. The course explores the issues through practical exercises, observation and reflection, providing a challenging experience - and leading delegates towards more effective teaching.

Practical Strategies to use Emotional Intelligence Techniques with Pupils

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Children grow with praise and shrivel with criticism. Many significant adults in their life appear to be unaware of this. We have a feeling brain, which is greater than our thinking brain. When children are upset the feeling brain takes over and shuts down the thinking with the resulting effect on learning. Emotional intelligence Quotient (EQ) is being aware of our children's feelings as well as our own. However, awareness itself is not good enough; we also need to have the skills to bridge the gap.

Pupil Behaviour Management for Cover Supervisors and Supply Teachers

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
The course will assist delegates in planning their responses to pupils' behaviour. Behaviour planning, in advance, will enhance teaching and learning opportunities and help to promote and encourage learning behaviour.

Delegates will leave the course with a planning process for pupils' behaviour which will assist them in developing an appropriate, stepped response. As delegates become increasingly confident with this approach, that they will improve lesson flow and create increased 'on-task' pupil learning behaviour.

Pupils Who Can Speak But Do Not - Working With Selective Mutism

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Special Needs & Schools
Persistent failure to communicate affects pupils’ educational, social and emotional development and creates high anxiety for both families and professionals. When children converse freely at home - but not in other situations such as school - the term ‘selective mutism’ can be used to describe their behaviour.

Pupils with BESD: (Behavioural, Emotional & Social Difficulties) Approaches and Interventions

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course provides an overview of practical approaches to educating pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) by exploring the ideas and explanations that underpin highly effective techniques that can be used straight awaay on your return to school. Each delegate will receive a copy of Dr Farrell's book, "Understanding Special Educational Needs."

Racist Incidents and Racist Bullying in Schools: dealing with incidents effectively

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Through attending the course a delegate will develop their understanding of a school's statutory requirements in dealing with racist incidents as well as their understanding of what constitutes a racist incident. This will allow delegates to correctly identity incidents. Each delegate will understand the impact racist incidents can have and develop their understanding on how to support a target of racist bullying.

Raising Ethnic Minority Achievement

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course will provide an overview of the issues that we need to be aware of and provide possible routes to suport schools in addressing ethnic minority underachievement, challenge racism and prejudice in school and ways to promote and celebrate cultural diversity. This course is aimed at middle managers and SMT. At the end of the course colleagues will leave with a toolkit to take back to their respective school and hopefully be able to use to support development.

Realistic Approaches to Inclusion

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
Inclusion remains a major issue in schools with the drive to include challenging students being regarded by some as a milestone and others as a millstone. This course takes a realistic & pragmatic view of the problems and opportunities of inclusion from a whole school point of view - as well as that of the classroom teacher. It will be particularly useful to staff involved in developing inclusion policy and practice, teachers with responsibility for working with inclusion units, and staff working towards more inclusive practices in their classrooms.

Relaxation for Schools: Supporting Vulnerable Students

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
This course will dispel any myths about relaxation, giving delegates the confidence and skills to teach relaxation to students in their school. Learning how to relax is a skill for life and teaching these skills to students has been shown to improve access to learning, lower stress levels and improve behaviour and attendance.

Roma Pupils: Supporting them to Succeed & Achieve

Pastoral Care and Behaviour

Inspection evidence and anecdotal evidence suggests that a number of schools are experiencing a significant rise in the number of Roma pupils from Eastern Europe. As a consequence some are struggling to identify sufficient r esources to meet these pupils’ wide-ranging needs. Historically, Gypsy/Roma pupils have had the poorest outcomes of any ethnic group in England in terms of attainment, attendance and exclusions.

Safeguarding Children in Education Settings

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
All delegates attending will leave with a thorough knowledge of Safeguarding, they will have gained a working knowledge on the legal framework, understand the categories of abuse and become even more aware of the importance of listening to young people.

In addition they will know what to say, what not to say, how to report and how to record and most importantly, how to keep themselves safe against false allegations of abuse.

Safeguarding Young People in the Online World (Primary)

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
After attending this course delegates will have a greater understanding of the risks children, young people and school staff face when using online technologies.

Using the resources provided all delegates will have the necessary knowledge and understanding to deliver e-safety training to staff, parents and pupils in line with Ofsted's criteria for safeguarding.

Safeguarding Young People in the Online World (Secondary)

Pastoral Care and Behaviour
After attending this course delegates will have a greater understanding of the risks children, young people and school staff face when using online technologies.

Using the resources provided all delegates will have the necessary knowledge and understanding to deliver e-safety training to staff, parents and pupils in line with Ofsted's criteria for safeguarding.


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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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