Successfully Meeting the Needs of Different Groups of Pupils in Your School - A National Conference | Lighthouse Professional Development

Successfully Meeting the Needs of Different Groups of Pupils in Your School - A National Conference

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It is essential that schools use a range of strategies to raise the achievement of both individual and groups of pupils. The achievement of different groups of pupils has a high profile in OfSTED inspections and is a key factor in judging progress in lessons and over time.

This one day national conference brings together professionals and practitioners who are already addressing successfully the issues of supporting and raising the achievement of different groups of pupils.

There will be two keynote addresses. The first will be presented by Sir William Atkinson, Headteacher of Phoenix High School, London which OfSTED rated as "a remarkable school" and which "continues to transform the life chances of both pupils and their families". The second keynote presentation will be made by Janet Thompson HMI who is OfSTED's National Adviser for learning difficulties and/or disabilities.

Each delegate has a choice of THREE, from the FIVE available seminars - Please note choice on SPECIAL REQUESTS section of booking.

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