PRIMARY - Let's Sing! Stategies for Developing Singing in your Classroom | Lighthouse Professional Development

PRIMARY - Let's Sing! Stategies for Developing Singing in your Classroom

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Singing should be a natural, integral and exciting part of daily life in the primary classroom but often teachers lack confidence in their own ability to tackle it effectively. In this course we shall look at the mechanics of singing to enable teachers to make the best use of their own voice and to get the best from their pupils. Singing becomes much more interesting when we progress to singing in different parts - the essence of choral singing - and this is perfectly feasible from KS1 if teachers have the right material and the courage to try it. This course is aimed at Class teachers, music coordinators and teaching assistants in Key Stage 1 and 2. A large part of the day will be given over to practical sessions aimed at giving delegates the skills to lead and improve the singing of their pupils, looking at the use of voice, physical gesture, facial expression and well-chosen words. No previous musical experience or instrumental skill is assumed. The only requirement is a willingness to join in and have a go. Aims of the course • Make singing a vital activity in your classroom • Increase your understanding of the singing voice: discover new songs • Build confidence in leading singing whatever your musical ability • Explore song repertoire will be discussed and examples of material suitable for different age groups • Introduce your pupils to the thrill of part-singing • Find ways of improving the quality of singing
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East Sussex

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