Peer Mentoring to Support achievement, pastoral care and all aspects of school life | Lighthouse Professional Development

Peer Mentoring to Support achievement, pastoral care and all aspects of school life

Course code: 
There is no doubt that peer mentoring supports and inspires students and what often follows is high achievement, real engagement and enjoyment in learning. So how do we make students sparkle? This course explores what peer mentoring can do for students to move from good to outstanding. It will look at practical strategies to maximise the potential ways to stretch, challenge and support students by helping the learners to help themselves.

Peer mentoring is a key area of responsibility for students in a school and the course is designed to help them meet this challenge. All aspects of peer mentoring will be reviewed with top tips for success. Suzanne will give constructive advice on being an effective peer mentor and managing ways to raise the standard of teaching and learning. The course is set in the context of fresh ideas from schools with outstanding Peer Mentoring systems.

The course will help you keep ahead of ideas in mentoring, and empower the students for lifelong success.

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East Sussex

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