A National Conference for Teachers of EAL Unlocking the Potential of Your EAL Pupils: Practical Strategies, Successful Solutions | Lighthouse Professional Development

A National Conference for Teachers of EAL Unlocking the Potential of Your EAL Pupils: Practical Strategies, Successful Solutions

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Schools are expected to demonstrate that their pupils for whom English is an additional language (EAL) make progress in line with other pupils. The achievement of pupils with EAL is a key focus in OfSTED's inspection of schools and makes a significant contribution to judging progress in lessons and when looking at current and historic progress data. Whilst schools are becoming increasingly skilled at identifying the needs of EAL pupils, it is essential that both qualitative and quantitative data is used effectively to plan how to meet those needs.

Teachers must ensure that they provide the appropriate support and challenge for those at different levels of language acquisition and teaching has to match these language learning needs in different subjects. In particular, schools must continue to close the achievement gap for those pupils who are 'more advanced EAL learners'.

This national conference will offer delegates practical strategies to raise the achievement of different groups of EAL pupils. There will be inputs from both practitioners and professionals who work nationally in the field of EAL.

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