ICT across the Curriculum for Special Schools | Lighthouse Professional Development

ICT across the Curriculum for Special Schools

Course code: 
Delegates will have the opportunity to work through a project within their school setting that will engage SEN learners. The course will provide concrete examples of how ICT can be used effectively in many different subject areas to engage learners on a practical level.

You do not need to have extensive past experience of working with ICT as the course will focus on a wide variety of ways that ICT can be utilised to enhance and support learning. The course will give you the skills and the confidence to try out new practical ways of delivering your curriculum. Delegates will discover how they can use existing resources in school to support pupils with a wide range of SENs.

In-school Training
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Lighthouse Courses Ltd

Gemini House
136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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Tel: 0800 587 8880