This course is aimed at all staff who wish to further improve their skills in managing difficult and volatile situations, when dealing with students, parents, visitors or other adults.
The course aims to offer you the opportunity to explore a range of strategies, including preventitive solutions, to mange confrontation positively. It will help you practise and develop practical skills in de-escalating difficult situations, maintaining personal space and keeping things safe.
It covers dealing with situations where behaviour may have already developed into overt confrontation, possibly accompanied by verbal aggression and/or physical threat.
This is not a self-defence course or a restraint course, rather it has a very practical emphasis throughout, on harm avoidance/minimisation for all parties, with a focus on maintaining and returning to a safe learning environment.
The strategies and skills explored throughout the day are all tried and tested successful methods drawn from practice in the real world.
The folder of course materials form a comprehensive aide memoire for practising your skills back at work.