Embedding Philosophy and Ethics in RE: How to Inspire Passion, Challenge Pupils Academically and Achieve Exam Success | Lighthouse Professional Development

Embedding Philosophy and Ethics in RE: How to Inspire Passion, Challenge Pupils Academically and Achieve Exam Success

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This course will help teachers to make RE truly inspirational and engaging. RE has the potential to be the most exciting and relevant subject available to teenagers and this course will help you to realise on that opportunity. RE teachers often feel limited by the amount of Christianity they are expected to cover in their lessons but this does not need to be the case.

The course will provide strategies for embedding Philosophy and Ethics into RE from Year 7 upwards so that all requirements can be met - but are done so in an engaging way that you and your pupils will love. This course will provide practical guidance and interactive visual and other exciting resources to help teachers make their delivery of the subject more academic, relevant and exciting.

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