Effective Behaviour Management in the PRU: Practical Strategies for Support Staff | Lighthouse Professional Development

Effective Behaviour Management in the PRU: Practical Strategies for Support Staff

Course code: 
This one day course will offer practical strategies for teaching assistants and other support staff working in PRUs. It will focus on behaviour management and collaborative working as well as the benefits of using the SEAL initiative with vulnerable and challenging students in PRUs.
The day will be informative yet practical with a focus on providing real strategies for real issues with managing learning and motivating students.

Who should attend?
Teaching Assistants and support staff in Pupil Referral Units.

Key Inputs of the Day:
* Effectively Supporting Teaching and Learning in a PRU: Roles and Responsibilities
* The SEAL Initiative: Maximising its Impact on Teaching Emotional and Behavioural Skills to Students
* From Theory into Practice: Making a Difference to Behaviour using Hierarchical Responses
* The "What if's?": Your questions and concerns answered
* Top 10 Strategies for Success

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East Sussex

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