Developing Successful Exam Skills for the Diploma in Society, Health & Development (Levels 1, 2 and 3) | Lighthouse Professional Development

Developing Successful Exam Skills for the Diploma in Society, Health & Development (Levels 1, 2 and 3)

Course code: 
This key training will consider some of the implications of the new Diploma in Society, Health and Development. The main focus will be on preparing learners for the external assessments at each level. Those who attend will have the chance to consider how learning outcomes are linked to assessment criteria and how these are then tested in the external assessments.

There will also be a consideration of the sorts of material that could be used to effectively prepare learners for the external assessment and to share ideas. The course is intended to provide support and direction to those coming to this type of teaching for the first time, as well as offering ideas to more experienced staff.

In-school Training
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