Behaviour - Meeting the Additional Needs of EBD Learners in Further Education | Lighthouse Professional Development

Behaviour - Meeting the Additional Needs of EBD Learners in Further Education

Course code: 
Learners who have learning disabilities, mental health difficulties, ODD, EBD, ADHD, and other conditions, temporary or otherwise, can often present as challenging behaviour and so limit the learners' ability to access traditional educational streams. This course is designed to provide teachers and support staff with techniques for engaging 'difficult' learners and achieving positive responses, as well as offering alternative ways to behave.

The course provides case studies and illustrations of successes and near misses across all vocational areas in FE, while offering a new perspective on today's 16+ learner. With the 14-19 education reform, changes to the curriculum (diplomas) and further education, the opportunity of increasing life chances for some young people starts with their attitude towards their own education.

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