Alternative Ways to Engage Disaffected SEN Learners in mainstream classrooms | Lighthouse Professional Development

Alternative Ways to Engage Disaffected SEN Learners in mainstream classrooms

Course code: 
Delegates will leave the course will practical ideas and approaches for engaging hard to reach and disaffected SEN learners in mainstream settings. The course will use sport and football as an example of the ways that teachers can be creative in their teaching styles and motivate learners who are not normally fully engaged.

The course will cover some of the barriers to learning and how these can be overcome in practical ways in the classroom - and outside of it - by utilising local facilities and the wider school environment. It will examine ways that you can bring other people on board to help you to deliver your programme and creative uses for IT. The day will look at measuring and recording successes and ways that these might be shared with others, parents and teachers.

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