21st Century Learning: Accelerated Learning & Motivational Plans for Classroom Implementation | Lighthouse Professional Development

21st Century Learning: Accelerated Learning & Motivational Plans for Classroom Implementation

Course code: 
Teachers will develop a thorough and practical knowledge of how to motivate students utilising technology and innovative techniques that employ accelerated learning methods. There is a considered and consistent move towards studentcentred learning and this course will provide teachers and TA's with the tools to take ideas forward into their own classroom environments.

Examples of accelerated learning lessons will be provided across a range of subject areas and many of the methods explained are generic and therefore may be utilised by teachers of all disciplines. There will be a practical explanation of how modern technologies may be utilised to motivate and inspire students to take responsibility for much of their own learning, including the use of websites to develop 'hooks' for effective lesson development. This is a very motivational course that will inspire teachers and students to work together to ensure the best results.

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136-140 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex

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